Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Aladin and Magic Lamp

Aladdin is a man who comes from the Persian State. He lives alone with his mother. They live in simplicity. Until one day there was a man who came home Aladin. The man said that he was the brother of the deceased father who had long migrated to neighboring countries. Aladdin and his mother was very excited, because apparently they still have a brother.
"Malang very fate of my brother," said the man told aladin and his mother. "The important thing we can still eat, uncle," replied Aladdin. Because his brother was concerned with the situation, then the man intends to invite Aladdin out of town. With the permission of his mother, then Aladdin followed his uncle to go out of town.
Journey that they go very far away, and his uncle did not allow Aladdin to rest. When Aladdin asks his uncle to stop for a moment, his uncle immediately scolded him. Until finally they arrived at a place in the woods. Aladdin then ordered his uncle to fetch firewood. "Later yes uncle, Aladdin would rest first," said Aladdin. His uncle was furious after hearing the answer to Aladdin. "Go now, or kusihir you into a frog", cried uncle. Seeing his uncle was very angry, and Aladdin rushes off to find wood.
After getting the wood, his uncle and then make a fire and say the incantation. Aladdin was very surprised at all, because after his uncle recited incantations, suddenly ground to crack and form holes. Aladdin began to ask himself, "Is he really my uncle? Or he's just a magician who wants to use me instead? "
"Aladdin, come down you kelubang it. Bring me the antique lamp in the bottom of the cave ", tell her uncle. "I'm afraid of my uncle," said Aladdin. His uncle then gave the ring to the Aladdin. "Wear this, this ring will protect you", said his uncle. Then Aladdin began to fall down.
After reaching the bottom, Aladdin is amazed by what he saw. Aladdin's cave at the base of the fruit of the tree to find gems and lots of jewelry. "Hurry up you bring me his antique lamp, Aladdin. Do perdulikan the other ", shouted the uncle of the above. Aladdin antique lamps and took it, and mulaimemanjat upward. But after nearly reached the top, Aladdin saw the cave door was closed and only open a little. Aladdin began to think that his uncle would set him up. "Quick Aladdin, just throw the light", cried uncle. "No, I'm not going memberikanlampu this, before I reached the top," replied Aladdin.
After debate, the uncle of Aladdin became impatient and finally "Brak!" pit door closed, and his uncle leaving Aladdin trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin becomes sad, and sat. Now he knows that real men are not his uncle, and he just manipulated by man. Aladdin lalubmencari every way in order to get out of the cave, but his efforts are always futile. "I'm very hungry, and wanted to meet my mother, O Lord, help your servant," said Aladdin.
Lights AladinSambil praying, rubbing Aladdin antique lamps and wondered why the male witch wanted to have the lamp. Having rubbed, suddenly became red around it and smoke rising. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin was so scared. "Forgive me, because it has been surprising sir", I am the guardian genie lamp. What the master orders me? ", Said the giant" Oh, then take me back home. " "Good sir, take kepunggungku, we'll get out of here", said Jin lamp. In a short time, Aladdin had reached the front of his house. "If the host requires me, call me by rubbing the lamp".
Aladdin tells all the things in the natural to the mother. "Why does it want the lights dirty witch is not it?", Said Mrs. Aladin. "This is a magic lamp Mom!" Replied Aladdin. Because her mother does not believe, then the last rubbing Aladdin's lamp. And after lights out Jin, Aladdin requested to prepare a delicious meal. Taklama terkejur then his mother, because of a very delicious dish is available in front of the eye.
Similarly, day, month, tahunpun changed, Aladdin live happily with his mother. Aladdin now has become a young man. One day a princess passing in front of his house. He was very fascinated and fell in love with the beautiful Princess. Aladdin then told his desire to his mother to marry a princess. "Quiet Aladdin, I'll working on it". Mother went to the palace of the king by bringing the jewels belonging to Aladin. "Sire, this is a gift to the king of my son." The king was very pleased. "... Well, your son must be a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to the Palace you take along with my daughter". Upon arriving home she immediately rub the lamp and lamp Jin asked to bring a palace. Aladdin and his mother waited on the hill. Soon genie lamp comes with a magnificent palace at his back. "Sir, this palace". The next day the King and his daughter came to visit Aladdin's Palace is very grand. "Will you make my daughter as your wife?", Asked the King. Aladdin is very pleased to hear that. Then they both perform the wedding.
Not unexpectedly, it turns out the magician turned out to see it all through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretended to be a salesperson in front of the Palace of Aladdin's lamp. He was yelling, "change your old lights with new lights!". The empress who saw the old Aladdin's magic lamp to get out and exchange it with a new lamp. Immediately rub the magician the lamp and genie lamps ordered to bring the palace and its contents and Aladdin's wife to his home.
When Aladdin came home from tour, he was very surprised because of his palace missing. Aladdin then remembered with a ring of male witches. Rubbed the ring, and ring out Jin. Asked the genie Aladdin ring about what had happened to his palace. Jin The ring then tell it all to Aladdin. "Then please bring the palace back to me and my wife," said Aladdin. "Excuse me sir, my strength was not as big genie lamp," said Jin ring. "Then, Please Take me to where the witch. I'll take it myself ", said Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin slipped inside to find the room where the Princess locked up. Princess then told that witches were sleeping due to drinking beer. After knowing that the witch was asleep, then sneak into the room Aladdin male male witch.
Having successfully entered the room, and took Aladdin's magic lamp, and immediately rub the magician. "Get rid of these criminals," said Aladdin to the genie lamp. Witch woke up, then attack the Aladdin. But the genie lamp immediately slammed the witch and cast out of the palace. "Thank you genie lamp, and the Palace we bring this back into place". Arriving in the Persian Aladdin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.

Sumber : http://www.ceritaanak.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63:cerita-anak-dongeng-aladin&catid=34:cerita-dongeng-anak&Itemid=53

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

The First Mosquito

In ancient times there lived a simple farmer with his beautiful wife. The farmer has always worked hard, but his wife just primp and do not care for the household. They live in a very modest home and life of the peasant family farm as appropriate.

The lovely wife was not satisfied with their situation. He felt, it is proper if her husband larger income so she could care for her beauty. To meet the demands of his wife, the farmer works harder. However, no matter how hard the work of the farmer, he was unable to meet the demands of his wife. In addition to asking buy drugs that can keep kecantikanya, also likes to ask his wife bought a fancy dress - which is very expensive.

"How can look pretty bad if my clothes," said his wife.

Because only busy with appearances, a beautiful wife did not pay attention to his health. He fell ill. The pain got worse until eventually died. Her husband was so sad. All day he lay weeping for his wife who is now without power. Not wanting to lose, the farmer did not want to bury the body of his wife who is very loved. He wants to revive his wife.

The next day my poor husband sold all his possessions and bought a canoe. With a boat that he took his wife's body down the river to the place that is believed to be the wake of the gods. God would want to relive my wife, so he thought.

Despite not knowing exactly where the wake of the gods, the farmer kept pedaling the boat. He pedaled and pedaled tirelessly. One day, thick fog blocking the view so that the boat got stuck. When the mist evaporates, in front of him stood a very high mountain, a peak through the clouds. This is where the gods lived, thought farmers. He then climbed the mountain, carrying the bodies of his wife.

On his way he met an old man.

"You must be resident gods of heaven is," exclaimed the farmer joyfully.

He said the purpose of his coming to that place.

The old man smiled.

"Really you're a good husband. But, what good is reviving your wife? "

"He was very meaningful to me. It was he who made me excited. So quicken him again, "said the farmer.

The old man nodded his head.

"Well then. Will kuturuti request. In return for your kindness and your hard work this long, I'll give you the secret of how to revive your wife. Puncture tip of your fingers, then sprinkle three drops of blood into his mouth. Undoubtedly he will live again. If after that your wife all sorts, to remind you that he lived from three drops of blood. "

The farmer immediately carry out the god's message.

Miraculously, she is really alive again.

Without thinking, it was a happy husband brought home his wife. But, the wife knows, besides canoe ride them, now he did not have anything else. Then, with what he's caring for her beauty?

One day, the couple arrived in a very busy port. The farmer got out of the canoe and went to the market to buy supplies travel and leave his wife alone in the canoe. Incidentally, next to their boat rests a very beautiful boat owned by a wealthy merchant who was stopped at that place. Kecantkan see the farmer's wife, pemiliik boat and fell in love with that beautiful woman persuaded to go with him.

"If you want to come with me, would I buy anything you ask," said the merchant.

The farmer's wife tempted. He then went to the merchant.

The farmer was surprised to come home from the market because his wife no longer on the boat. He looked around, but in vain. A year later, visit him with his wife, but his wife refused to return to him. Farmers then remembered the god who gave secrets to revive his wife.

"Really you're ungrateful. Just so you know, you come back to life by drinking three drops of my blood. "

His wife laughed mockingly.

"So, I had to return three drops of blood? All right ... "

The wife had stabbed one of his fingers with the intent to give three drops of blood to her husband. However, once the three drops of blood dripping from his fingers, his face pale, her body weak, the weak, to finally fall helplessly. To death.

After death, he was transformed into mosquito. Since then, every night mosquito incarnation of the beautiful woman was trying to suck human blood in order to return to the original.


The Selfish Giant

Once upon a time, there is a very large garden and beautiful, owned by a giant. The park was very beautiful with green grass and soft, beautiful flowers, and dozens of trees that bore rich fruit.

  Every afternoon, the children came into the garden to play and listen to melodious chirping birds from the trees.

  MarahRaksasa giant was away for 5 years to visit family in another country. Now, he returned to his home, a very large house with a garden in front of him. On arriving at the park, he saw children playing there. Giant rebuked them, "What are you doing here? Go! This garden belongs to me! "The children ran terrified to leave the park.

Since no one else wants to enjoy the beauty of his garden again, and then build a giant wall that surrounds the park high, and memadang writing "The entry without permission will be punished!" The children lose the park. Every now and then they climbed up and peered over the high wall, watching the garden and talked bitterly games they used to do there.

  Day after day passed. The flowers in the garden was no longer blooming. The birds no longer sing and stops fruiting trees. Grass and leaves that were once lush and green now become dry and brown. Giants do not understand why his own garden become beautiful again.

  One morning, the giant heard the music. Apparently it is the sound of birds chirping outside his window. Has been a while since the last time he heard the birds singing a beautiful way.

  Giants closer to the window and listen to the birds chirp with sadness. "What happened to my garden? I hope my garden can be beautiful as ever, with birds singing melodious like you. "Giant said to the bird. The bird flew close to the giant and said "your garden will not be the same without the presence of the children. Miss your garden laughter and voices of children happily. Trees, flowers, grass, and we want the presence of the birds of children who make this place full of joy again. "

  Giant realized his mistake. During this time he was too selfish, and consequently he lived alone and feeling lonely.

The giant took a big hammer and destroy the wall that surrounds the garden. Removal of the installation of first written warning, and called the children to play in the park. Initially the children to feel afraid. But when they saw the face of a giant who is now a friendly, they followed him to the park to play there. Moreover, the children also miss playing in the park.

  The giant's garden was again filled with children who play happily. The flowers were blooming again among the green grass. The leaves and fruit trees meet, and the birds are singing with melodious.

  The giant said to the children, "Now, my garden is a garden of you also." Now the giant is not only having a beautiful garden, but he also has lots of little friends are cheerful.

Bottom of Form

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

The Princess and The Pea

ONCE upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He traveled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.
“Well, we’ll soon find that out,” thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses. On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. “Oh, very badly!” said she. “I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!” Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.
Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that. So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, there was a King and Queen. And when their baby daughter was born they were so happy they decided to have a big party. They invited all their family, all their friends and all the fairies in the land. Now there were 13 fairies altogether but the king but queen only invited 12. They forgot about the 13th. And that was something they should not have done.
Well, it was a splendid party! There were silver dishes piled high with delicious food and golden plates at every place. And when everyone had finished eating, the fairies gathered around the baby’s cradle and they each made a magic wish. The princess shall be beautiful said the first. And happy, said the second. And kind, said the third. And so they went on. The princess was to be brave, and clever and truthful. She was to have a sweet singing voice and light dancing feet
And, then, just as the twelfth fairy was about to make her wish, in came the thirteenth. She was furious, because she had not been invited to the party. Here is my wish, she said. “When the princess is 16 years old, she will prick her finger on a spindle and she will die.” And with that, the thirteenth fairy vanished.
hen the 12th fairy said, “I cannot change all of the wicked fairies powerful magic.” So the princess will prick her finger but she will not die! She slept for a hundred years. The king and queen thanked the fairy for her kindness but they were not happy. They did not want their daughter to sleep for a hundred years. So they ordered that every spinning wheel and spindle in the land must be chopped up and burnt. Then they thought that the princess was safe.
The years passed and the princess grew up. She was very beautiful and clever at lots of different things. She was, in fact, everything the fairies had wished her to be. On her sixteenth birthday, the princess was exploring the castle when she came to a little room at the top of a tall tower. And in that room was an old woman sitting by a spinning wheel. “What are you doing?” asked the princess?”
“I am spinning,” said the old woman, who was really the wicked thirteenth fairy, “would you like to try?”
“Oh yes,” said the princess, and she sat down by the spinning wheel. But as soon as she touched the spindle, the sharp point pricked her finger and she fell asleep.
And the old woman vanished. At that same moment, the king and the queen, the servants, the cats and the dogs all fell asleep! Even the fire stopped burning and the roasting meat stopped sizzling. Everything slept.
Then a hedge of wild roses grew up around the castle. It grew and it grew until the castle was hidden.
One hundred years passed and then a prince came riding by and saw the top of the tower rising up above the hedge of roses. How strange, he said, I never knew there was a castle here!
He jumped off his horse and lifted his sword to cut away the hedge. But as soon as the sword touched the branch, a path opened up in front of him. So prince walked freely through the hedge. He entered castle, and walked from room to room. Imagine his surprise, everyone and everything was fast asleep.
At last he entered a little room at the end of a tall tower and he saw the sleeping princess. She was so very beautiful that he bent down and kissed her. Then the spell was broken and the princess opened her eyes.
At the same moment, everyone and everything in the castle awoke! The king yawned, the queen blinked, the cats had a good stretch and the dogs wagged their tails.
The servants began to work, the fire began to flame, and the roasting meat began to sizzle. A hundred years had not changed anyone or anything.
And what happened next? Why the beautiful princess married the prince, who had woken her from such a long deep sleep.

The End.

Senin, 14 November 2011

Puss In Boots

Once upon a time . . . a miller died leaving the mill to his eldest son, his donkey to his second son and . . . a cat to his youngest son.
“Now that’s some difference!” you might say; but there you are, that’s how the miller was! The eldest son kept the mill, the second son took the donkey and set off in search of his fortune . . . while the third sat down on a stone and sighed, “A cat! What am I going to do with that?”
But the cat heard his words and said, “Don’t worry, Master. What do you think? That I’m worth less than a half-ruined mill or a mangy donkey? Give me a cloak, a hat with a feather in it, a bag and a pair of boots, and you will see what I can do.”
The young man, by no means surprised, for it was quite common for cats to talk in those days, gave the cat what he asked for, and as he strode away, confident and cheerful. the cat said. “Don’t look so glum, Master. See you soon!”
Swift of foot as he was, the cat caught a fat wild rabbit, popped it into his bag, knocked at the castle gate, went before the King and, removing his hat, with a sweeping bow, he said: “Sire, the famous Marquis of Carabas sends you this fine plump rabbit as a gift.”
“Oh,” said the King, “thanks so much.”
“Till tomorrow,” replied the cat as he went out. And the next day, back he came with some partridges tucked away in his bag. “Another gift from the brave Marquis of Carabas,” he announced.
The Queen remarked, “This Marquis of Carabas is indeed a very courteous gentleman.”
In the days that followed, Puss in Boots regularly visited the castle, carrying rabbits, hares, partridges and skylarks, presenting them all to the King in the name of the Marquis of Carabas. Folk at the palace began to talk about this noble gentleman.
“He must be a great hunter,” someone remarked.
“He must be very loyal to the King,” said someone else.
And yet another, “But who is he? I’ve never heard of him.”
At this someone who wanted to show people how much he knew, replied, “Oh, yes, I’ve heard his name before. In fact, I knew his father.”
The Queen was very interested in this generous man who sent these gifts. “Is your master young and handsome?” she asked the cat.
“Oh yes. And very rich, too,” answered Puss in Boots. “In fact, he would be very honoured if you and the King called to see him in his castle.”
When the cat returned home and told his master that the King and Queen were going to visit him, he was horrified. “Whatever shall we do?” he cried. “As soon as they see me they will know how poor I am.”
“Leave everything to me,” replied Puss in Boots. “I have a plan.”
For several days, the crafty cat kept on taking gifts to the King and Queen, and one day he discovered that they were taking the Princess on a carriage ride that very afternoon. The cat hurried home in great excitement.
“Master, come along,” he cried. “It is time to carry out my plan. You must go for a swim in the river.”
“But I can’t swim,” replied the young man.
“That’s all right,” replied Puss in Boots. “Just trust me.”
So they went to the river and when the King’s carriage appeared the cat pushed his master into the water.
“Help!” cried the cat. “The Marquis of Carabas is drowning.”
The King heard his cries and sent his escorts to the rescue. They arrived just in time to save the poor man, who really was drowning. The King, the Queen and the Princess fussed around and ordered new clothes to be brought for the Marquis of Carabas.
“Wouldn’t you like to marry such a handsome man?” the Queen asked her daughter.
“Oh, yes,” replied the Princess.
However, the cat overheard one of the ministers remark that they must find out how rich he was.
“He is very rich indeed,” said Puss in Boots. “He owns the castle and all this land. Come and see for yourself. I will meet you at the castle.”
And with these words, the cat rushed off in the direction of the castle, shouting at the peasants working in the fields, “If anyone asks you who your master is, answer: the Marquis of Carabas. Otherwise you will all be sorry.”
And so, when the King’s carriage swept past, the peasants told the King that their master was the Marquis of Carabas. In the meantime, Puss in Boots had arrived at the castle, the home of a huge, cruel ogre.
Before knocking at the gate, the cat said to himself, “I must be very careful, or I’ll never get out of here alive.”
When the door opened, Puss in Boots removed his feather hat, exclaiming, “My Lord Ogre, my respects!”
“What do you want, cat?” asked the ogre rudely.
“Sire, I’ve heard you possess great powers. That, for instance, you can change into a lion or an elephant.”
“That’s perfectly true,” said the ogre, “and so what?”
“Well,” said the cat, “I was talking to certain friends of mine who said that you can’t turn into a tiny little creature, like a mouse.”
“Oh, so that’s what they say, is it?” exclaimed the ogre.
The cat nodded, “Well, Sire, that’s my opinion too, because folk that can do big things never can manage little ones.”
“Oh, yes? Well, just watch this!” retorted the ogre, turning into a mouse.
In a flash, the cat leapt on the mouse and ate it whole. Then he dashed to the castle gate, just in time, for the King’s carriage was drawing up.
With a bow, Puss in Boots said, “Sire, welcome to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas!”
The King and Queen, the Princess and the miller’s son who, dressed in his princely clothes, really did look like a marquis, got out of the carriage and the King spoke: “My dear Marquis, you’re a fine, handsome, young man, you have a great deal of land and a magnificent castle. Tell me, are you married?”
“No,” the young man answered, “but I would like to find a wife.”
He looked at the Princess as he spoke. She in turn smiled at him. To cut a long story short, the miller’s son, now Marquis of Carabas, married the Princess and lived happily with her in the castle. And from time to time, the cat would wink and whisper, “You see, Master, I am worth a lot more than any mangy donkey or half-ruined mill, aren’t I?”

Sumber: http://ceritaanak.ebloog.com/cerita-bahasa-inggris/cerita-bahasa-inggris-puss-in-boots/

Senin, 07 November 2011

Cats And Bear

In ancient times the ancestors of cats and bears are the two best friends who always share, they always go everywhere together until one when bears learn to express his intention to climb to the cat

kucingpun undertakes bear and looking for requests of tall trees to bear. This money loh suitable trees for you to learn to climb "the cat". arbitrary wrote cing, which is important I can climb "the bear".

lau kucingpun set an example to bear how to climb the tree, which is essential nail-strong nails gripping the stem of this tree you will be able to climb this tree wang "said the cat".

cing theory enough now you let me climb down 'said the bear ". cats soon dropped.

beruangpun immediately climbed a tree and he was so easily able to reach the top of the tree. Arriving above but he was puzzled to come down and say "how do I fall cing" the bear ".

have not had time to say anything suddenly seemed to figure wolves who are ready to prey on cats from behind a bush hedge, kucingpun immediately ran from the bear that confusion.

dikerjai bear any cat feel angry and said "you beware cing, ngak I'm sorry, you will kukoyak kotoranmu apart and will even eat any cat. and the bear was dropped off by himself while still hugging the tree.

therefore up to now when the cat shits on the ground will make the hole and close it again, so as not eaten by a bear.

while bears can climb trees but when it comes down it will debase her body down.

Sumber: http://ceritaanak.ebloog.com/cerita-fabel/dongeng-kucing-dan-beruang/