Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Aladin and Magic Lamp

Aladdin is a man who comes from the Persian State. He lives alone with his mother. They live in simplicity. Until one day there was a man who came home Aladin. The man said that he was the brother of the deceased father who had long migrated to neighboring countries. Aladdin and his mother was very excited, because apparently they still have a brother.
"Malang very fate of my brother," said the man told aladin and his mother. "The important thing we can still eat, uncle," replied Aladdin. Because his brother was concerned with the situation, then the man intends to invite Aladdin out of town. With the permission of his mother, then Aladdin followed his uncle to go out of town.
Journey that they go very far away, and his uncle did not allow Aladdin to rest. When Aladdin asks his uncle to stop for a moment, his uncle immediately scolded him. Until finally they arrived at a place in the woods. Aladdin then ordered his uncle to fetch firewood. "Later yes uncle, Aladdin would rest first," said Aladdin. His uncle was furious after hearing the answer to Aladdin. "Go now, or kusihir you into a frog", cried uncle. Seeing his uncle was very angry, and Aladdin rushes off to find wood.
After getting the wood, his uncle and then make a fire and say the incantation. Aladdin was very surprised at all, because after his uncle recited incantations, suddenly ground to crack and form holes. Aladdin began to ask himself, "Is he really my uncle? Or he's just a magician who wants to use me instead? "
"Aladdin, come down you kelubang it. Bring me the antique lamp in the bottom of the cave ", tell her uncle. "I'm afraid of my uncle," said Aladdin. His uncle then gave the ring to the Aladdin. "Wear this, this ring will protect you", said his uncle. Then Aladdin began to fall down.
After reaching the bottom, Aladdin is amazed by what he saw. Aladdin's cave at the base of the fruit of the tree to find gems and lots of jewelry. "Hurry up you bring me his antique lamp, Aladdin. Do perdulikan the other ", shouted the uncle of the above. Aladdin antique lamps and took it, and mulaimemanjat upward. But after nearly reached the top, Aladdin saw the cave door was closed and only open a little. Aladdin began to think that his uncle would set him up. "Quick Aladdin, just throw the light", cried uncle. "No, I'm not going memberikanlampu this, before I reached the top," replied Aladdin.
After debate, the uncle of Aladdin became impatient and finally "Brak!" pit door closed, and his uncle leaving Aladdin trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin becomes sad, and sat. Now he knows that real men are not his uncle, and he just manipulated by man. Aladdin lalubmencari every way in order to get out of the cave, but his efforts are always futile. "I'm very hungry, and wanted to meet my mother, O Lord, help your servant," said Aladdin.
Lights AladinSambil praying, rubbing Aladdin antique lamps and wondered why the male witch wanted to have the lamp. Having rubbed, suddenly became red around it and smoke rising. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin was so scared. "Forgive me, because it has been surprising sir", I am the guardian genie lamp. What the master orders me? ", Said the giant" Oh, then take me back home. " "Good sir, take kepunggungku, we'll get out of here", said Jin lamp. In a short time, Aladdin had reached the front of his house. "If the host requires me, call me by rubbing the lamp".
Aladdin tells all the things in the natural to the mother. "Why does it want the lights dirty witch is not it?", Said Mrs. Aladin. "This is a magic lamp Mom!" Replied Aladdin. Because her mother does not believe, then the last rubbing Aladdin's lamp. And after lights out Jin, Aladdin requested to prepare a delicious meal. Taklama terkejur then his mother, because of a very delicious dish is available in front of the eye.
Similarly, day, month, tahunpun changed, Aladdin live happily with his mother. Aladdin now has become a young man. One day a princess passing in front of his house. He was very fascinated and fell in love with the beautiful Princess. Aladdin then told his desire to his mother to marry a princess. "Quiet Aladdin, I'll working on it". Mother went to the palace of the king by bringing the jewels belonging to Aladin. "Sire, this is a gift to the king of my son." The king was very pleased. "... Well, your son must be a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to the Palace you take along with my daughter". Upon arriving home she immediately rub the lamp and lamp Jin asked to bring a palace. Aladdin and his mother waited on the hill. Soon genie lamp comes with a magnificent palace at his back. "Sir, this palace". The next day the King and his daughter came to visit Aladdin's Palace is very grand. "Will you make my daughter as your wife?", Asked the King. Aladdin is very pleased to hear that. Then they both perform the wedding.
Not unexpectedly, it turns out the magician turned out to see it all through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretended to be a salesperson in front of the Palace of Aladdin's lamp. He was yelling, "change your old lights with new lights!". The empress who saw the old Aladdin's magic lamp to get out and exchange it with a new lamp. Immediately rub the magician the lamp and genie lamps ordered to bring the palace and its contents and Aladdin's wife to his home.
When Aladdin came home from tour, he was very surprised because of his palace missing. Aladdin then remembered with a ring of male witches. Rubbed the ring, and ring out Jin. Asked the genie Aladdin ring about what had happened to his palace. Jin The ring then tell it all to Aladdin. "Then please bring the palace back to me and my wife," said Aladdin. "Excuse me sir, my strength was not as big genie lamp," said Jin ring. "Then, Please Take me to where the witch. I'll take it myself ", said Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin slipped inside to find the room where the Princess locked up. Princess then told that witches were sleeping due to drinking beer. After knowing that the witch was asleep, then sneak into the room Aladdin male male witch.
Having successfully entered the room, and took Aladdin's magic lamp, and immediately rub the magician. "Get rid of these criminals," said Aladdin to the genie lamp. Witch woke up, then attack the Aladdin. But the genie lamp immediately slammed the witch and cast out of the palace. "Thank you genie lamp, and the Palace we bring this back into place". Arriving in the Persian Aladdin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.

Sumber : http://www.ceritaanak.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63:cerita-anak-dongeng-aladin&catid=34:cerita-dongeng-anak&Itemid=53

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