Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Peter Pan

One night, dear Wendy and two brothers, John and Michael, awakened by a strange sound. They ran to the window and saw the arrival of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are visiting from Foreign Affairs. Peter Pan tells all about Foreign Affairs and Prodigal Son stories, Indians, and pirates.
Peter offered to take the children to a foreign land. "However", he said, "you have to learn to fly first." With these words, he sprinkled magic dust Tinkerbell to them and they begin to float in the room.
Out of the treatment room, the children and Peter Pan flies into the sky toward the Foreign Affairs. Evil Captain Hook's eyes see it. Hook was studying to be a pirate. He became the enemy of Lost Children, and especially Peter Pan. For months, the pirate looking for a safe house Prodigal Son.
Wendy and his two brothers lived with Prodigal Son and the Indians for several weeks and they told his hometown. But homesick children and Peter Pan asks sadly to Tinkerbell to take them home.
When the kids were crawling out of a hiding place, the pirate catch it and bring it to the ship.
Fly to meet Tinkerbell Peter to tell him what happened. Quick as a flash, Peter exposes pirate ship in the direction to prevent Captain Hook, who force children to walk to the sled.
Hook's hand and alarm clock has been swallowed by a crocodile. So when Peter approached the pirate ship, he made a clock ticking noise. Suddenly a crocodile coming, Captain Hook so scared into hiding.
Peter Pan jumped into the ship and fight all the pirates. One by one they jumped into the sea and the children successfully freed.
Soon after, Captain Hook who lived harusdihadapi Peter Pan. He encouraged the Hook to plunge into the sea and into the mouth of a crocodile. He returned to Wendy, John, and Michael and took her home.
Once safely in the treatment room with the dog Nana, Wendy asks Peter Pan live with him. But Peter has missed Foreign Affairs. "That's where I grew up," he smiled. Therefore, the children seen once again from the window when Peter Pan back home and promised to visit again.


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